Vox amPlug AC30 Guitar Headphone Amp Review

Vox Guitar Headphone Amp

If you happen to need a smaller under $100 guitar amp (or under $40 for that matter) for house use, why not go really small? And by really small we mean all the way, to a mere size of 3.39 x 3.15 x 1.22 inches (86 x 80 x 31 mm) and a tiny weight of 1.41 oz (40 g).

It might sound ridiculously small, but that’s the actual size of Vox amPlug AC30, one of the best guitar headphone amps on the market at the moment. The product’s focal point lies in the practical approach, rather than a massive sonic wave your guitar can produce.

As noted, this is a house amp, and a house amp only. Certain house amps can be used for smaller band rehearsals or even studio work, but amPlug AC30 is built exclusively for jamming solo at home. So why buy it then, you might ask? Well, there are plenty of reasons actually. Details below.


Vox amPlug AC30 is not a powerful amp, not by a long shot, but that pretty much goes to show without saying, now doesn’t it. The analog circuit does a good job of delivering the sound of original high-end Vox amps for such styles classic, rock and metal. The device never fails at delivering decent audio, but that’s not what amPlug AC30 is all about. Flexibility is the word of the day here as the little amp makes it so much easier to practice. But we’ll get to that matter later on in the features section.

Sound-wise, the amp leaves no room for tweaking, what you play is what you get and this is actually a good thing. The reason why this is a pro rather than a con is a fact that the player is forced to use his own hands to get a proper tone and has no one else to blame but himself if his guitar isn’t grooving. But still, sound definitely isn’t what makes this product stand out.


As noted, size is what makes the amPlug AC30 an instant attention-grabber, but there’s still plenty to go around with. The fully analog circuit can clearly be seen as only a plus, as well as a $39.99 price tag which pretty much equals to a new video game or a musical all-time classic. And this is a household brand Vox we’re talking about. Not only that, but a product you can use for expressing yourself and maybe even finding that true calling we all yearn for.

Back to the devices size, it definitely has its up sides. This is also a wireless piece of music equipment, so practicing on it is much easier than you might think. No cable issues, no tweaking, just plug the amp into your guitar’s input and you’re good to jam. You can sit, stand, lay down – it’s all up to you. This ultimately results in more efficient and longer practice hours, check out the product and you’ll see for yourself.

As far as other features go, the amp works on 2 AAA batteries and is not exactly sturdy according to most users, so it’s obviously a piece you can’t just throw around. Check out more details on that matter in the following section.

Durability and Reliability

Once again, the size says it all here. Vox amPlug AC30 is not a strong device and you can hardly compare it to regular-sized amps as far as durability goes. But within its own league of headphone guitar amps, it’s one of the finest. The built is solid enough to withstand minor damage, although some users point at the fragile plastic as one of the device’s major flaws.

When it comes to reliability, the amp scores high marks within its own domain. We’re talking about a battery-powered amplifier, so although you don’t have to worry about cables, you do have to change empty batteries once in a while.

Overall: Pros and Cons

So far, we’ve covered most of the points you need to know about Vox amPlug AC30. In general, it’s an investment you simply can’t regret. The $39.99 price is well worth it and the amp you might end up using it more often than you regular-sized device. It’s a product recommended for both struggling newbies and guitar pros with years of recording and performing experience. Jamming along is what everyone likes doing, and the amPlug AC30 brings it to players with by far the most ease and accessibility. Finally, check out the brief pros and cons rundown below.

Vox amPlug AC30 Pros

  • Flexibility – Anytime, anywhere, practice is just a click away. As long as the batteries are good, you can jam away with this amp, and that is a huge plus. If you’re guitar player, you’re well aware that even the tiniest distractions can put you off playing, so this is a really crucial point.
  • Price – $39.99 is what you spend on your weekly coffee, making the product a true musical bargain. Jokes aside, the amPlug AC30 is truly a great value and quite possibly the top product of the global headphone guitar amp line.

Vox amPlug AC30 Cons

  • Durability – The amp has plenty of good sides, but durability isn’t one of them. Although the device is small and therefore more fragile from the very start, certain users point at the amp’s weak cover plastic. Still, it goes to show that this is not an amplifier you can toss around. Simply treat it as a similarly sized piece of equipment such a tuner or a metronome and you shouldn’t have almost any issues with it.

So that about wraps it up, Vox amPlug AC30 is certainly an item worth having and a piece of equipment that makes the standard sized house amp obsolete. If you think about it, any guitarist can easily have a full-on gig amplifier and a headphone amp like this for house jams. It’s an option worth considering, but as always, everything comes down to individual players and their personal preferences and playing styles.

This Guitar Amp is Featured On Our The 5 Best Guitar Amps Under $100 Article.

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